최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Study on the Question Types of the Korean Language Proficiency Test and Korean Language Proficiency of Learners at the Intermediate Level: Focusing on analysis of the grade 3 written test

DOI : 10.15652/ink.2015.12.1.053

한글능력검정시험은 일본에서 실시되는 한국어 숙달도를 평가하는시험으로 일본어 모어 화자를 대상으로 한다. 1993년 6월에 제1회 시험이 실시된 이후에 수험자 수는 매년 증가하는 추세이며, 2006년에는 한국어 학습자들의 실전적인 커뮤니케이션 능력을 높이기 위하여새롭게 출제기준과 출제형식도 개정되었다. 그러나 아직까지 한글능력검정시험에 관한 연구는 그다지 이루어지지 않은 상태라 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 한글능력검정시험(제41회) 3급의 필기시험 문제의 평가항목을 유형별로 [음운현상], [단어와 관용표현], [한자어 읽기], [동사와 형용사의 활용형], [대화문 완성], [번역], [조사], [장문독해]의 총 8 부문으로 분류하고, 한글능력검정시험에서 중급레벨에 해당하는 3급을 응시한 일본 대학생들의 시험결과를 통하여 중급 학습자의 한국어숙달도에 관하여 고찰하였다.

The Korean Language Proficiency Test is a test of Korean language proficiency organized by the Korean Language Proficiency Association in Japan for people with the Japanese language as their mother tongue. The number of examinees has increased since the first test was held in June of 1993. Qualification items and methods were newly revised in 2006 to upgrade practical communication among Korean language learners. However, it may be said that there are not many studies on question types or learning phases of the Korean Language Proficiency Test, even though it examines Korean language proficiency. The purpose of this study is to consider the contents and types of questions in the Korean Language Proficiency Test (grade 3), which objectively assesses Korean language proficiency, and investigate which parts are difficult for Japanese learners through test results. Grade 3 of the Korean Language Proficiency Test is for intermediate level learners with questions consisting of understanding Korean phonological phenomena, words and common expressions at the intermediate level, how to write Chinese characters with Korean letters, completing conversations, translating Korean to Japanese and vice versa, selecting markers and predicate application at the intermediate level, reading long sentences and understanding meaning. In addition, the study analyzes the percentage of correct answers for each question and type in reference to the test results of Japanese students who took level 3 of the 41st Korean Language Proficiency Test to assess the learning capability of students who took Korean language classes in colleges and universities and investigates the Korean language proficiency of Japanese learners at the intermediate level.

1. Introduction

2. Prior study

3. Overview

4. Classification in question types

5. Analysis of the percentage of correct answers for each question type

6. Analysis of Korean language proficiency among intermediate level learners

7. Conclusion

