최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

마케팅 전공생을 위한 한국어교육 연구 - 주제 중심 교수 방법의 적용

A Study on Korean Language Teaching for Students Majoring in Marketing - Applying methods of theme-based language instruction

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This paper has its aim to set up a curriculum for a specific academic purpose, while applying one of the three main prototypes of content-based instruction, that is, theme-based language instruction, to teach the Korean language to students majoring in marketing studies. This work reviews the language teaching approaches of content-based instruction, tries to develop a framework to teach Korean for specific purposes and then prepares a detailed syllabus, a system of methods of teaching and teaching Korean to BA course Chinese students specializing in marketing. The authors cite a concrete example of practical Korean language teaching which is carried out through an application of theme- based instruction at a university level. This course is planned to help the students study the contents of their major, that is, marketing, and language elements (basic academic terms, vocabularies and markers) and also study skills. The paper shows specifically what themes and contents are to be covered in the classes of a Korean language course for marketing and how a time-limited class hour should be conducted. The research ends with five suggestions which should be considered for Korean language teaching for specific academic purposes.

1. 머리말

2. 선행 연구의 검토

3. 이론적 토대

4. 주제 중심 한국어교육의 실제

5. 맺음말

