Cultures are in separable from languages. Earlier approaches of teaching culture focused on Korean heritage. There are three types of presentation on culture in the textbooks. They focused on the information about cultural events and heritage, cultural meanings and skills of Korean language, and cultures in daily life. Considering the concept of intercultural competence, this study proposes the four phases of affective teaching-learning model in conformity with the phases of acculturation. Affective approaches affect cognitive and functional approaches on culture. This study suggests four phases of intercultrual teaching model. The four phases are as follows: open attitude, logical attitude, acceptive attitude, integrated attitude.
1. 서론
2. 한국어교육에서의 문화 교육의 접근 방법 고찰
3. 간문화 교육을 위한 정의적 영역에서의 접근
4. 결론