최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

인지언어학과 TPR교수법에 의한 한국어 교육 활용방안 고찰 - 다의어 ‘잡다’를 중심으로

A Study on the Utilization of Cognitive Linguistics and TPR Teaching Methods for Korean Language Education : Focusing on Polysemy Verb ‘japta’

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In so called 'Glocality' era where globalization and localization are being proceeded together, more than million foreigners live here in Korea whose nationality and native languages. In this article, it is proposed to utilize cognitive linguistic analysis and TPR (Total Physical Response) teaching method to teach Korean language, in particular multi meaning verbs. cognitive linguistics and TPR teaching method are language teaching methods compatible with experialism, which is the mitigated relativism beyond the traditional objectivism, relativism and nihilism. It goes with the denial of dualism of body and mind where the experialism lands. Experialism provides the foreign learners with various language backgrounds with philosophical base in foreign language learning by trying to interpret the meaning of language based on the body, which is common in all human beings, although it places great importance on their experiences. In this article, the focus was placed on the verb of 'japta'. A teaching method was proposed borrowing from the traditional semantics analysis results applying phenomenon-a concept in the frame of cognitive linguistics, core schema and container metaphor. Additionally, the previous studies were supplemented to clarify the multi-meaningful structure of ‘japta’. This study confirmed that cognitive linguistics and TPR teaching method can be applied to foreign language education efficiently.

1. 들어가며

2. 인지언어학과 TPR교수법

3. ‘잡다’의 의미항목과 지도방안

4. 맺음말

