“History” is an important part of the Korean literature education and this thesis is about how to teach “history”, especially the Japanese colonial period in Korea, to foreign students. The Japanese colonial period was never discussed in detail in classes as a favor of Japanese students, however, it was found that Japanese students actually want to know more about the period, according to the research. To meet their needs, it is recommended to leverage “literature” as a way to teach the Korean history over the Japanese occupation period as “literature” has strong reflection of culture and history. To begin with, it is necessary to select the right literature which covers the Japanese colonial period most objectively and make people share common consensus. It is also necessary to design the right education methodology to enable students to understand the value of Koreans who lived during the period. To meet those two objectives, I suggest to use “Seo Si”, a poem written by Yun Dong-ju. “Seo Si” is one of the most well known poem with great mean to Koreans, and Yun Dong-ju is personified as a poet over the period. If we interpret the poem as an introspection of the poet who lived the period rather than resistance towards Japan, foreign students, especially Japanese students, can come up with common consensus and finally understand Koreans better who had gone through the period.
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