“Nam”(남) is used to refer to some other people except the certain person which plays the role as a reference. The investigation of “nam” can be divided in to two parts; the first part isbased on the reference object which can be speaker, listener or other clear object -“Uri”(우리) the other part refers the reference object when it’s unclear. When the reference object is clear, “Nam”(남) can expresses the psychological distance outside the coverage field besides the reference object. Therefore, “Nam” can achieve the special pragmatic effect in a particular sentence which other personal pronouns such as “Na”(나), “Neo”(너) cannot express. In addition, when the speaker treat a random object with certain special characteristics as a reference object, the speaker will also express his attitude to “Nam”.
1. 서론
2. 명시적인 대상을 기준으로 할 때
3. 비명시적인 대상을 기준으로 할 때
4. ‘남’과 ‘다른 사람’ 및 ‘외인(外人)’의 구별적 쓰임
5. 결론