The purpose of this paper is to examine the goals and the learners' needs of Korean language-culture education and suggest thereby a new directions to select the contents in Korean language and culture education. The contents of Korean language-culture education is independent to the communicative situation despite close relations between Korean language and Korean culture. Because the learners' needs of Korean culture are different from Korean native speakers' awareness it is difficult to maintain communication. The cultural contents should be related to the communicative situation and skills to reach the learners' needs and to cope with Korean native speakers' awareness. This paper proposes three directions for selecting the cultural contents. (1) Selecting universe cultural contents makes the learner to compare with his(her) own culture and discuss about cultural difference. (2) The cultural contents should be selected connecting to the communicative skills. (3) Studying Korean popular culture makes the learner to develop critical and creative cultural literacy.
1. 서론
2. 한국어 문화 교육의 방향
3. 한국어 문화 교육의 내용 선정의 원리
4. 결론