This article aims to study effective instructional method for writing using integrated content-based instruction and genre-based approach to enhance learner's writing ability. Most of advanced korean learners nowadays study KAP. For this reason, writing ability is an important ability that they have to acquire. Most learners and teachers, however, find it difficult because they have to know writing knowledge and how to use of that. Especially, learners who study KAP need to learn academic content knowledge and Genre specific knowledge, Therefore, this study proposes to teach korean writing using integrated content-based instruction and genre-based approach. And it showed that how to make syllabus for the integrated instruction and how to progress writing instruction in the class for graduate students. The significance of this study is that it proposed integrated writing method which combine content-based instruction and genre-based approach. There is, however, a limitation in that the effect of this method have not proved yet. Further studies on integration method need to be conducted as well as how to use this method in the korean writing instruction according to the learner's need. (The Academy of Korean Studies)
1. 서론
2. 내용 중심 교육과 장르 중심 교육
3. 내용 중심 교육과 장르 중심 교육을 통합한 쓰기 교육
4. 내용 중심 교육과 장르 중심 교육을 통합한 쓰기 수업의 실제
5. 결론