최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

여성 결혼 이민자의 한국문화 교육을 위한 요구조사

A Study on Korean cultural education needs of the immigrant women in Korea

  • 8

There has been a great increase in the number of marriage between Korean men and immigrant women, due to the Korean Wave and Korea’s economic growth. According to research, married immigrant women learn Korean mainly in order to adjust to Korean culture, to communicate freely with their Korean families, and to help their children’s education. However, the most crucial purpose for learning Korean is to adapt to Korean culture. This infers that it is essential for immigrant women to not only acquire the Korean language, but also to learn about Korean culture, to settle down well in Korea. Hence, this study suggests the cultural contents necessary for alleviating culture shock that immigrant women experience in Korea. In addition, we assumed that they would ask for different cultural content according to the learner's variable. So as to do this, we carried out a needs analysis to immigrant women about necessary contents that should be included in Korean textbooks for understanding Korean culture. The results were analyzed in relation to native country, age, Korean proficiency, period of residence, and region. Also, this paper compared and analyzed the Korean textbooks for immigrant women, published between 2005 and 2009. As a result, this paper claims that it is essential to develop Korean language textbook or Korean culture textbook that covers necessary cultural contents according to learner's variables.(Dongduk women's university)

1. 서론

2. 요구 조사 방법 및 대상

3. 요구 조사 결과 및 분석

4. 여성 결혼 이민자를 위한 한국어 교재의 문화 범주

5. 결론

