This research, as a preliminary study to compile Korean Education Dictionary, has a purpose to build a system of the dictionary in a methodic and a professional way. The main goal of Korean Education Dictionary is to establish academic identity of Korean language education and to arrange and interpret terminologies from a Korean educational viewpoint. Implementation of such purpose should be achieved through specializing contents of Korean language education according to the subject and its systematic description. From this point of view, one needs to separate microstructure and macrostructure apart to study about the system of Korean Education Dictionary. In this paper, the researchers focus on macrostructure and continue in this direction. For this matter, this paper points out that study of macrostructure should be conducted by followings. One needs to do basic documentary research to select headwords of the dictionary at first. Second, based on the carefully selected primary headwords,fundamental practices committee and groups of experts extracts the headwords. Third, one then decides how to present the selected headwords. This research points out that the study of subject specialization should be conducted through frequency of basic documentary research.
1. 연구 목적 및 필요성
2. 한국어교육학 사전 편찬의 접근 방법
3. 한국어교육학 사전의 거시 구조
4. 남은 문제