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사회언어학 제32권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

1970~90년대 한국 가요 유튜브 영상의 댓글 언어 분석: 조용필과 혜은이 노래를 중심으로

Analysis of the Comments on K-pop YouTube Videos from the 1970s to the 1990s: Focusing on Cho Yong-pil and Hye-euni's songs

DOI : 10.14353/sjk.2024.32.3.01
  • 86

This paper examines the language of comments on K-pop YouTube videos from the 1970s to the 1990s. Specifically, it analyzes the comments on compilation videos of songs by Cho Yong-pil and Hye-euni, the most popular of that era, focusing on the topics discussed and the titles used for the two singers. The analysis reveals that netizens frequently post comments in five main thematic categories. In ‘Sharing Memories’ and ‘Celebrating and Encouraging’ categories, netizens engage with one another, sharing their feelings as member of a temporary community. Regarding the use of address terms, netizens are found to treat Cho Yong-pil with more respect and reverance than Hye-euni, while also using they friendlier titles for him. This difference is interpreted as a result of factors such as the age and gender differences between the two singers, variations in name composition, career continuity, and levels of popularity. The study suggests that netizens who engage with YouTube music videos are not merely interested in the video content but also express their attitudes toward the featured artists and interact with other viewers.

1. 머리말

2. 댓글의 주제

3. 호칭어의 쓰임

4. 호칭어 사용 차이의 배경

5. 맺음말

