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산업기술연구논문지 제29권 3호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

Estimating the Position of Logistics Management Robots Using a Modified Monte Carlo Algorithm

DOI : 10.29279/jitr.e.2024.29.3.1
  • 20

This study investigates the localization of mobile robots using radio frequency identification(RFID) technology, which is commonly employed in logistics management. The feasibility of utilizing the RFID signal strength for localization without additional sensors or devices was analyzed and experimented . Conventional logistics management methods typically rely on cameras, ultrasound, and infrared sensors for robot localization. In contrast, this study used the RFID signal strength for localization. Additionally, to enhance localization accuracy, weights were applied based on the angle between the reader and tag, while real-time localization was implemented using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) . The experimental results improved by over 15% compared to those of conventional methods, highlighting the improved localization accuracyobtained by applying weights based on the angle between the reader and tag. Furthermore, the FPGA implementation facilitated high-performance real-time processing, further enhancing the localization performance.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Position estimation method

Ⅲ. Sensor data modeling

Ⅳ. Position estimation using sensor models

Ⅴ. Experimental results

Ⅵ. Conclusions

