펜타닐 사용 장애 청소년의 임상적 특징 및 Temperament and Character Inventory 특성
Clinical Characteristics and Temperament and Character Inventory Profiles of Adolescents With Fentanyl Use Disorder
- 한국중독정신의학회
- 중독정신의학
- Vol.28, No.2
- 2024.09
- 39 - 43 (5 pages)
Objectives: To collect and analyze data of adolescents suffering from fentanyl use disorder, with the aim of developing strategies for ad- diction treatment and prevention. Methods: This research collected demographic information including gender and age. Amount and duration of fentanyl use were inves- tigated. Interviews with mental health professionals were conducted to determine the presence of symptoms consistent with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5) diagnostic criteria. Temperament and character inventory (TCI) was performed by clinical psychologists. Results: The average duration of fentanyl use among participants was 3.42 months, with an average use of 6.5 patches per month. Ac- cording to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, they met an average of 7.4 criteria. TCI scales showed that novelty seeking (NS), self-directedness, and reward dependence were above averages, while harm avoidance (HA), persistence, and self-transcendence (ST) were below averages. Conclusion: The increase in NS is a risk factor for addiction, while the decrease in HA reflects the nature of the addiction. The decrease in ST may act as a risk factor for adolescent addiction. Further research on acquired factors is needed.
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