최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS) Vol.2, No.3.jpg

The Progression of Art as Western Learning Spread to the East : Wu Dayu's Artistic Discourse and Aesthetic Education


DOI : 10.23112/jgas24093007
  • 4

[Background]In the grand historical context of the eastward spread of Western learning, the collision and blending of eastern and Western cultures have injected new vitality and challenges into the development of modern Chinese art.[Objective]Discusses Wu Dayu's unique artistic practice path and aesthetic education theory system as an outstanding representative of the transition period of modern Chinese art. [Methods]Through in-depth analysis of Wu Dayu's life path,and reveal his artistic ideas under the pattern of Western learning in the east. [Results]In the cultural exchanges between China and the West in the 20th century, Wu Dayu not only introduced modern western art, but also made outstanding contributions to the revival of traditional Chinese art, further deepening the creation of modern Chinese art.[Conclusion]As the core elements in the development of modern Chinese art, Wu Dayu's artistic discourse and aesthetic education view have great academic and practical significance for understanding the evolution of Chinese art history, stimulating contemporary art innovation and promoting the sustainable development of art.

【背景】在西学东渐这一宏大历史脉络中,东西方文化的碰撞与交融为中国近现代艺术的发展注入了新的活力与挑战。【目的】探讨吴大羽作为中国近现代艺术转型期的卓越代表,其独特的艺术实践路径与美育理论体系。【方法】通过深入剖析吴大羽的人生轨迹,揭示其在西学东渐格局下的艺术理念。【结果】吴大羽在 20 世纪中西文化交流中,不仅卓效引介西方现代艺术,更在复兴中国传统艺术领域功勋卓著,进一步深化了中国近现代艺术创作。【结论】吴大羽的艺术话语与美育观作为近现代中国艺术发展历程中的核心要素,对理解中国美术史演进、激发当代艺术创新及促进艺术持续发展具有重大学术与现实意义。

1 引言

2 饱经风霜,坚守艺术孤岛

3 革故鼎新,践行艺术革命

4 研精毕智,推崇势象之韵

5 以美育人,赓续艺术薪火

6 结语

