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KCI등재 학술저널

『병자일기』에 나타난 17세기 충주 이안지역의 農法

The 17th Century of Chungju Ian area’s farming methods shown in 『Byungja diary』

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『Byungja diary』 is evacuation diary. However, contains a wealth of information about 17th century farming methods. Mrs nampyung cho arrived at Chungju Ian area In February 1638. Since 4 months with a temporary residence spent 『Byungja diary』. Non of the 4 places that were owned by the presence differed significantly. Some rice paddy of atmosphere was good water, Some are not. Mrs nampyung cho wrote the farming experience. Thus slave Jushu was leading the agricultural. 1 years farming was started from sowing spring barley. In this regard, the biggest feature is that it has not been introduced into the planting. There is influenced by complex phenomena such as weather. This is consistent with the claim of Dr. Yong-sŏp Kim. Thus 『Byungja diary』 shows vividly the 17th century farming environment.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 이안지역의 농지 환경

Ⅲ. 남평 조씨家의 노비구성

Ⅳ. 17세기 충주 이안지역 農法특징

Ⅴ. 맺음말
