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충북대학교 중원문화연구소.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

대한제국기 청주지역 근대교육과 지역운동사상 의의

The modern education and significance of thought of local movement in Cheong-ju during the Great Han Empire

The modern education in Cheung-ju began with private schools by 20C. The 'Mundong School' which was started in 'Munjung School' was a place of communication informing change of residents and social situation. The outbreak of Russo-Japanese War and Protectorate Treaty of 1905 were opportunities to convert modern education into a part of restoration movement for national right. Kwang-nam school was a window for introduction of new culture. Cheong-ho school developed into Bo-seong middle school which was a secondary education institute. It started with meeting fervor for education focusing training of teacher. The seeking for communication with party in Gyeong-seong led to alumi association. The family of Cheong of Ha-dong resolutely reorganized Deok-shin School. The Cheong-ju branch of Gihohunghakhui took the initiative in developing the intellect of the people holding lectures and speech sessions. The establishing movement of private school in Cheong-ju reached the big time in 1908-1910. There were not organization of branch of enlightenment group except Gihohunghakhui and the solidarity with party in Gyeong-seong did not develop widely. The modern education around Confucian scholars converting to Protestantism cognizing the change of social situations had many implications. The establishment of Myeung-nyun School saw the existence of Confucian scholars convertinf to Protestantism and their social responsibility. It is as in the following of characteristics of education movement during the Great Han Empire. First, the education of women was very dull. The strong old customs such as way of three obediences and predominance of man over woman were obstacles on the women education. However, education of women in Jin-cheon and Chung-ju was proceeded in contrast. Second, it focused on a common education for developing the intellect of the people. Third, it was a dissemination of Japanese language by Japanese. The weighted education towards Japanese language was concluded in training of pro-Japanese groups. The education for Japanese language ought to come under criticism coming an age of Japanese popularity. The private schools established by Confucian scholars converting to Protestantism or family was used to spot of education and living of communication with residents. The united sports day was a festival for unity of residents. The speech session proceeded after ceremony awakened the change of social situations and imprinted the importance of modern education. This is why we pay attention to modern education in Cheong-ju.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 인식변화와 교육열 고조

Ⅲ. 청주지역 근대교육의 전개양상

Ⅳ. 지역운동사상 의의

Ⅴ. 맺음말
