한국의 민족주의는 크게 두 가지 개념으로 대별된다. 국가적 민족주의와 종족적 민족주의이다. 한국의 민족주의는 근대와 밀접하였다. 특히 일제의 강점기는 한국인의 정체성을 형성하는 데 중요하였다. 본고에서는 이와 같은 한국의 민족 개념이 박정희 정부에서 재차 형성되었다는 점에 주목하였다. 박정희는 경제발전과 정권유지를 위해 민족주의를 활용하였다. 현재의 민족주의는 박정희 정부의 민족주의와 다르지만, 영향력은 여전하다.
Korean people have two concepts of “nationalism;” one is “state-nationalism,” other is “ethnic-nationalism.” Korean people believe that they are a “single nation” and the reasons are related to Korean history. The Japanese colonial period was an important time for making the Korean nation's identity. The Korean nation's big assignment was “to overcome colonialism” and the difficulty is that this “history problem” is still running though East Asia. Furthermore, under Park Chung Hee, the notion of the Korean nation was remade by Park. Park constructed Korean nationalism in order to make a rich and powerful country. The Korean public people mobilized to build the modernized state through the 1960s-1970s. Nationalism still affects Korean society strongly. But it is not the same as Park Chung Hee's nationalism. The Korean public reactions about the “nation” and “nationalism” are variable depending on issue these days. Although the “nation” and “nationalism” are difficult to explain, people make the notion of “nation”/ “nationalism” and they could well live in “delusion”. Therefore, Korean people want to accept that their true nation is a “single nation” in order to protect the Korean nation and the country.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. When Did Korean People Recognize Their Nation?
Ⅲ. The Reason Korean People Cannot Stay out of Nationalism
Ⅳ. The Creation of the National Hero
Ⅴ. State Nationalism
Ⅵ. Conclusion