최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Chinese Legal Studies (JCLS) Vol.1 No.1.jpg

Why He Killed Her as a Lover : A Feminist Analysis of the “Xiang Gong Murder Case” in the Northern Song Dynasty


DOI : 10.62989/JCLS.2024.1.1.35
  • 6

In the case of Xiang Gong's murder of his mistress during the interim period from the Tang to the Song Dynasty, the logic behind the actions of the various characters is a question worth exploring. Through the methods of literature review and case analysis, combined with feminist theoretical tools, this study provides a detailed analysis of the unequal characteristics of sexual behavior norms during the Tang-Song period, the background era of the case. The research finds that, from the perspective of status differences, the law provides less protection and fewer constraints on the sexual behavior of women of low status, while offering more protection and constraints for women of good status. From the perspective of gender differences, men of good status enjoy a broader range of sexual freedom compared to women of good status. In summary, the desires of women of good status were greatly suppressed during this period. Against this backdrop, although Xiang Gong's action of killing his mistress was given a relatively positive evaluation by Xiang Gong himself and the patrol officer, in fact, it was merely a display of male hegemony and performativity of phallocentrism, rather than a just act. In conclusion, Xiang Gong's action of killing his mistress is a manifestation of misogyny, while the mistress’s act of killing her husband is a form of destructive resistance. This tragedy, which resolved violence with violence, still holds a warning for people of the present day.


1 引言:“向拱杀妇案”及其所引思考

2 案件法律背景:唐宋时期不平等的性行为规范

3 “向拱杀妇案”案例分析:以女性主义的视角展开

4 结语:从压迫走向自由

