On Liability for Arbitrary Termination of a Paid Entrustment Contract
- Journal of Chinese Legal Studies (JCLS)
- Vol.1 No.1
- 2024.10
- 94 - 101 (8 pages)
Article 933 of the Civil Code stipulates that the principal and trustee have the right to exercise the right of arbitrary dissolution, and that the liability of the dissolution holder for the damage caused by the other party's exercise of the statutory right is in the nature of statutory liability. Common causes of liability include: malicious discharge by the rescuer, improper time of discharge, and so on. The improper time of release should be discussed separately from the perspective of the principal and the trustee. For the scope of compensation, the academic and practical circles for a long time debate, the debate mainly focuses on whether the performance of the benefits of compensation and the scope of compensation for the performance of the benefits of compensation and other issues. In the paid entrustment contract, in view of the difference between the civil and commercial distinction and the different subject of the exercise of rights, should refine the distinction standard, from the perspective of the principal trustee and the combination of different fields of civil and commercial specific analysis of the scope of compensation.
《民法典》第933 条规定,委托人和受托人有权行使任意解除权,由此解除权人行使法定权利造成对方损失应承担的赔偿责任,其性质属于法定赔偿责任。常见的归责事由包括:解除人恶意解除、解除时间不当等。其中解除时间不当这一归责事由,应从委托人和受托人的角度分开展开讨论。针对赔偿范围,学界和实务界长期争论不休,争论主要集中在履行利益是否赔偿以及履行利益的赔偿范围等问题上。在有偿委托合同中,鉴于民商区分的差异以及权利行使主体的不同,应当细化区分标准,从委托人受托人的不同角度并结合民商不同领域具体分析赔偿范围问题。
1 有偿委托合同任意解除赔偿责任性质
2 有偿委托合同任意解除赔偿责任的常见归责事由
3 有偿委托合同任意解除的赔偿范围