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주렴계 「태극도설」의 淵源 연구

A Study on the Origin of the Theory of Taichi Diagram by Zhou Lianxi

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송대철학은 중국철학이 꽃을 피우던 시기로서 철학의 이론적 체계화가 이루어졌던 것이다. 古代의 중국철학이 孔孟哲學을 중심으로 하여 그 기반으로 자리하였다면 송대의 철학은 여기에 근거하여 신유학 즉 성리학으로 철학의 이론체계가 확립되었으며, 그것은 우주론과 인성론, 수양론의 이론적 틀을 갖추었다는 뜻이다. 중국 宋代의 철학자 중에서 그 효시적 역할을 한 주렴계는 송대철학의 이론이 심화된 우주론으로부터 수양론에 이르기까지 無極과 太極의 용어를 동원시켜 「태극도설」의 이론을 천명하였다. 주렴계의 사상은 송대 장횡거의 氣一元論에 영향을 미치고, 이정의 性卽理 사상, 나아가 주자철학의 발전에 도움을 주었다. 본 연구에서 주목할 것으로 「태극도설」의 이론이 어디에 근원하였는가를 파악하는 것이다. 이를 위해 주렴계의 무극과 태극이라는 용어의 典籍에 淵源을 찾아보았다. 「태극도설」에서 원용되는 무극과 태극은 『주역』과 도가의 노장철학에 근거하고 있음을 밝히려는 것이다. 그가 창안한 「태극도설」이 『도덕경』의 무극, 『장자』의 태극, 『주역』, 「계사전」으로부터 원용되었다. 그리하여 「태극도설」용어에서 이론적 연원을 삼은 것은 무엇인가를 살펴보았다. 즉 五代十國時代 진단으로부터 「선천도」를 계승한 내용이 「태극도설」이라는 본 도설의 연원을 밝힌 것이다. 그것은 수·당 이전으로서 촉한의 「三五至精圖」, 한대의 「참동계」에 영향을 받았다는 것이며, 후래 도교의 신선이 되는 무극(○)의 상징체로서 무극·태극의 철학적 기반이 되었다. 이러한 연원적 연구는 송대유학이 『주역』 및 道·佛 수양론의 영향을 받으며 성리학에 정체성을 확보한 것이 큰 의의라고 본다.

The Song Dynasty was a time when Chinese philosophy was flourishing, and its theoretical systemization was achieved during the dynasty. Chinese philosophy in ancient times was said to be established based on the philosophy of Confucius and Mencius as its center, allowing the philosophy of the Song Dynasty to establish its theoretical system as new confucion. Neo-Confucionism, means that the theoretical frameworks of cosmology, and theories about human nature and self-cultivation theory were supplied. Among philosophers of the Song Dynasty in China, Zhou Lianxi played the role of a pioneer and made an avowal of the theory of Taichi Diagram by mobilizing the terms of mugeuk and taeguk ranging from cosmology to the self-cultivation theory whereby the theories of the philosophy of the Song Dynasty were deepened. Zhou Lianxi’s thoughts influenced Chi-monism by Zhang Zai in the Song Dynasty and helped the development of the thoughts of “nature is principle” by the Cheng brothers and even the philosophy of Zhu Xi. What will have to be noted in this study is to find out where the theory of Taichi Diagram originated. For the purpose of doing this, the origins of the terms of mugeuk and taeguk mentioned by Zhou Lianxi were sought in the books where those terms were described. This was to clarify that mugeuk and taeguk mentioned in the theory of Taichi Diagram were based on Zhouyi and the Lao-Chuang thought of the Taoist school. The theory of Taichi Diagram was influenced by the philosophy of the Taoist school and was quoted from mugeuk of Tao Te Ching, taeguk of Zhuangzi, and even Hsi-tz’u chuan of Zhouyi, and tradition of the appended statements. Hence, what were the theoretical origins of the terms in the theory of Taichi Diagram were examined. In other words, the origin of the Diagram theory that the theory of Taichi Diagram was the content inherited from the Diagram of Xian-tian by Chen Tuan that was established in the Five Decades. The fact described above means that the theory was influenced by the Diagram of Samohjijung of Shu Han and Cantongqi of the Han Dynasty before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was found that it had become the philosophical foundation of mugeuk and taeguk as a symbol (○) of mugeuk becoming a hermit with miraculous powers of Taoism afterwards. This study on the origin of the Theory of Taichi Diagram has a great significance in that the identity of Neo-Confucionism was established while Confucionism in the Song Dynasty was influenced by Zhouyi and the self-cultivation theories of Taoism and Buddhism.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 주렴계의 생애와 「태극도설」

Ⅲ. 『주역』과 도가의 無極과 太極

Ⅳ. 도교와 선가사상의 태극도

Ⅴ. 결론
