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KCI등재 학술저널

운율의 통사와 정보구조로의 영향

The Influence of the Prosody on the Syntactic and Informational Structures

DOI : 10.14342/smog.2024.123.23
  • 5

This paper examines how the prosody (especially intonation) can influence syntactic and semantic structures through the valuation of the Q-feature of C. It is assumed that the Q-feature of C is unvalued and explores how this feature can be valued. To begin with, the valuation of the Q-feature of C in yes-no questions is divided into two cases: the final endings that can have an interrogative feature and those that can not. Endings like ‘-ni’ and ‘-kka’ inherently carry the Q-feature when they are introduced into C, can agree with and value the Q-feature of C. On the other hand, final endings like ‘-e’ do not inherently have the Q-feature and, thus, cannot agree with the Q-feature of C in the same way. In such cases, it is argued that the Q-feature of C can be valued through (the interrogative feature of) the intonation. A similar explanation is proposed for the valuation of the Q- and wh-feature of C in wh-questions.

1. 서론

2. 기존의 연구

3. C의 Q-자질 분류

4. C의 Q-자질 가치화의 절차

5. 결론

