The paper examines the structure of NP-pakkey amwu(N)to in Korean, where amwu(N)to functions as the head of the NP and NP-pakkey acts as an adjunct. It investigates how NP-pakkey operates as an adverbial phrase in affirmative sentences, such as ttus/nwun- pakkey, demonstrating its adverbial function. Additionally, the study explores the roles of AdvP and adverbs as arguments in Korean syntax, noting that NP-pakkey lacks case markers in argument positions. The paper analyzes the licensing of negative polarity items like te isang, amwu(N)to, NP-pakkey amwu (N)to, and NP-pakkey. It concludes that NP-pakkey shares syntactic similarities with negative polarity adverbs in long-distance licensing from adjunct clauses, highlighting its differing behavior when used alone versus with amwu(N)to. The study underscores the contrast in licensing between NP-pakkey and NP-pakkey amwu(N)to in object positions of embedded clauses, supporting the argument that adverbial negative polarity items are distinct in long-distance contexts from adjunct clauses.
1. 서론
2. ‘밖에’ 쓰임의 개관
3. 부정극어 ‘밖에’의 기존 연구들
4. 부정극어 ‘-밖에’의 장거리 인허
5. 결론