This paper explores the necessity of ecological and universal care through Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time. Piercy critically observes that the current violent-White-Patriarchal-Capitalist-Colonial system destroys nature, women, and lives. In contrast, life in Mattapoisett is a sustainable life in harmony with nature, a life of developing competence and caring for each other in a community that feels safety and belonging. Members of Mattapoisett live with support and recognition without being excluded or isolated from a diverse and wide network of relationships and care. This paper argues that Woman on the Edge of Time re-imagines a community of care based on awareness of fundamental interdependence and the relational ontology. With the perception of ourselves in the web of life, the alternative future depicted by Woman on the Edge of Time captures that an ecologically and socially sustainable life is possible only in the transition to a universal and ecological caring society.
1. 들어가며
2. 페미니즘 돌봄 윤리와 보편적·생태적 돌봄
3. 『시간의 경계에 선 여자』에 나타난 생태적 돌봄과 풍요로움
4. 『시간의 경계에 선 여자』에 나타난 보편적 돌봄과 돌봄 민주주의
5. 나가며