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간호대학생의 다문화 수용성과 다문화 경험이 문화간호역량에 미치는 영향

The effects of multicultural acceptance and multicultural experience on the cultural nursing competence of nursing students

DOI : 10.12972/nhs.2024.23.1.6
  • 82

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the multicultural acceptance and multicultural experiences of nursing college student and to examine the factors that affect the cultural nursing competence. Methods: The survey was conducted from May 1 to December 16, 2022 and 200 nursing students were included in the study. Data analysis was performed using frequency and percentage, mean, standard deviation, Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients and hierarchical regression. Results: The average scores for cultural nursing competence, multicultural acceptance and multicultural experiences of the subjects were found to be 3.37 out of 5, 4.52 out of 6, and 0.48 out of 1, respectively. Cultural nursing competence according to general characteristics showed significant differences according to grade, average GPA, economic level, number of multicultural friends, experience of multicultural subjects, and number of multicultural subjects. Cultural nursing competence are was found to have statistically significant correlation with multicultural acceptance (r=.27, p<.001) and multicultural experiences (r=.29, p<.001). The factors influencing the cultural nursing competence of nursing college students were multicultural acceptance (β=.25), multicultural experiences (β=.25), third grade or higher (β=.24) and economic level above intermediate level (β=.14), and explanatory power of the model was 22.6% (F=12.59, p=<.001). Conclusion: The multicultural acceptance, multicultural experiences, grade and economic level are the significant factors of the cultural nursing competence of nursing college students.







Conflicts of Interest

