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외과계 중환자실 입실 환자의 욕창 발생 감소를 위한 중재개발 및 예비적 효과성 검토

A study on quality improvement (QI) activities to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers in patients entering the surgical intensive care unit

DOI : 10.12972/nhs.2024.23.1.7
  • 85

Objective: Although healthcare institutions make significant efforts to prevent pressure ulcers, the nursing activities required for prevention demand substantial nursing staff, and due to low medical reimbursements and related financial constraints, it is challenging to increase staffing. This study aimed to manage pressure ulcer incidence in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) through Quality Improvement (QI) education and indicator management. Methods: The study and QI activities were evaluated through monthly ward conferences. The statistics on new pressure ulcer incidence and the performance of pressure ulcer prevention activities were reviewed monthly to assess progress and goal achievement. Feedback was provided during evaluations, and new activities were planned as necessary. The study aimed to determine whether the initial goal of managing in-house pressure ulcer incidence was achieved. Results: The goal was to reduce the new pressure ulcer incidence rate in SICU patients by 1% compared to the previous year by September 2023. As a result of pressure ulcer prevention activities, the incidence rate decreased from 11.1% in 2022 to 5.7% by the third quarter of 2023, representing a 5.8% reduction. Conclusion: Significant results were achieved in reducing pressure ulcer incidence through SICU QI activities. It is anticipated that ongoing pressure ulcer prevention activities and feedback will contribute to improving the quality of nursing care in the future.






Conflicts of Interest

