This paper examines the syntactic and word formational structures of /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/ (/ИНТЕРНЕТ-МАГАЗИН/) and the grammatical word class of /INTERNET-/(/ИНТЕРНЕТ-/) that has appeared in Russian in large numbers since the end of the 20th century, from the perspective of the history of research on indeterminate adjectives. This paper divides the period from the end of the 18th century and the early 19th century, when indeterminate adjectives first appeared in Russian, to the present into three stages as follows: Stage 1; late 18th century, early 19th century - 1960s, stage 2; 1970s - 1990s, stage 3; late 20th century - present. The conclusions drawn by this paper are as follows: (1) In /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/, /ИНТЕРНЕТ-/ is not an indeterminate adjective, but /ИНТЕРНЕТ-/ as an indeterminate component of a compound word modifies /МАГАЗИН/. Therefore, /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/ is not a structure with a word combination of 〔adjective + noun〕, but a compound word with the structure 〔〔constituents of a compound word〕 + noun〕. (2) In Russian, only /BEŽ/(/БЕЖ/) in stage 1 is an (invariant) adjective as a grammatical word class, and /SO-/ (/СО-/), /FOTO-/ (/ФОТО-/) /PROF-/ (/ПРОФ-/) in stage 2 /SOISSLEDOVATEL/ (/СОИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬ/), /FOTOAPPARAT/ (/ФОТОАППАРАТ/), /PROFBILET/ (/ПРОФбИЛЕТ/) and /INTERNET-/ in stage 3 /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/ are not an adjective, but an invariant component of a compound word. (3) Not only has there been almost no new introduction or creation in the history of the indeterminate adjectives since /BEŽ/ in stage 1, but /BEŽ/ is also gradually limited to archaic or idiomatic use or is replaced by /BEŽVY/(/ВЕЖВЫЙ/). Therefore, the invariant adjective in Russian became a low-productivity grammatical category. (4) /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/ is a new structure that did not exist in the native Russian language system, and has settled into the Russian language and is rapidly spreading with high productivity. This seems to have played a major role in the strengthening of analyticalism in the Russian language as well as the internationalization of English. (5) The invariance and precedence in stage 1 /BEŽ/ and its posteriority as a modifier to a noun retained the characteristics of French as a borrowed mother language, and the invariance and precedence to a noun in stage 3 /INTERNET-/ ― the characteristics of English as a borrowed mother language. In this way, the foreign loan words /BEŽ/ and /INTERNET-MAGAZIN/ did not adapt to the Russian language system and settle into Russian, but the characteristics and structures of the borrowed mother language were transplanted, forming new grammatical categories and characteristics in Russian.
1. 연구 대상
2. 문제 인식: 왜 /ИНТЕРНЕТ-МАГАЗИН/인가?
3. 연구사 관점에서 /ИНТЕРНЕТ-МАГАЗИН/에 관한 고찰
4. 맺음말