This paper explores the intricate challenges faced by those who undertake the complex and demanding task of poetry translation. The aim is to identify the difficulties that arise when translating poetry from one language to another while preserving the artistic integrity of the poetry, and to propose strategies that, though not perfect, can be adopted by translators. Ultimately, I hope this paper contributes to the discourse on poetry translation by offering insights into the complex relationships of language, poetry, and translation. The paper begins with an overview of the characteristics of poetics, poetic language, and poetic communication in general, and then identifies the features specific to the poetry genre that should be considered in poetry translation. Subsequently, I suggest strategies for translating poetry based on my experience with Pasternak's works. The challenges and the corresponding solutions will mainly focus on lexical replacement, metaphor processing, changes in word combinations, meaning emphasis, word supplementation, and tense shifts. I hope that proposing strategies based on my experiences will provide new ideas and insights to translators who have difficulties in poetry translation, which may lead to establishing their own strategy and achieving qualitative growth in their translation work. This, in turn, may create a virtuous cycle that allows readers access to a wide variety of translated poetry.
1. 서론
2. 시와 번역에 대한 고찰
3. 파스테르나크 시 번역을 통한 번역 전략
4. 결론