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KCI등재 학술저널

AI 시대의 창의 융합형 러시아어 통번역 교육의 미래 방향: 중앙대학교 국제대학원 전문통번역학과 한러전공 교과과정 분석을 중심으로

The Future Direction of Creative and Convergent Russian Interpretation and Translation Education in the AI Era: Focusing on the Analysis of the Curriculum of the Korean-Russian Major of CAU GSIS AITP

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2024.29.2.79
  • 83

The goal of this paper is to study the future direction of Russian interpretation and translation education to respond to the huge wave of change in interpretation and translation in the AI era. In order to propose a future model of creative and convergent Russian interpretation and translation education in the AI era, the research task is set as follows. First, through analysis of previous studies, the new paradigm of the interpretation and translation market and education in the AI era is examined, and potential implications of advances in interpretation and translation and language service industry ecosystem, especially in MT, are discussed. Second, in order to study the current status of Russian interpretation and translation education, the contents of the revised interpretation and translation curriculum of the Korean-Russian major of CAU GSIS AITP are analyzed. Third, a survey on the utilization and awareness of MT, satisfaction with the revised curriculum, awareness of education using machine interpretation and translation tools is conducted for graduates of the Korean-Russian major of CAU GSIS AITP . The results of the survey are used as reference material to examine the effectiveness of the revised Russian interpretation and translation curriculum and derive limitations and future tasks. Fourth, based on the analysis of the revised curriculum of the Korean-Russian major of CAU GSIS AITP, it aims to suggest the future direction of creative and convergent Russian interpretation and translation education that conforms to the new interpretation and translation paradigm of the AI era.

1. 서론

2. 통번역 생태계와 교육의 새로운 패러다임

3. CAU GSIS AITP 한러전공 교육과정 개편 방향성과 내용

4. CAU GSIS AITP 한러전공 제 1차 개편 통번역 교육과정 운영 성과 및 한계점 분석을 토대로 러시아어 통번역 교육의 미래방향에 대한 제언

5. 결론

