Kanonické vizitácie slovenských evanjelických cirkevných zborov a. v. v Báčsko-sriemskom a Banátskom senioráte v rokoch 1835 a 1836
Ecclesiastical Visitations of Slovak Evangelical Congregations in Bačka, Srem, and Banat in 1835 and 1836
This work deals with the research of minutes from the ecclesiastical visitation of the Slovak Evangelical congregations of Bačka-Sriem and Banat Seniorate in the years 1835 and 1836. Although the minutes were primarily created for the needs of the church, they usually offer authentic data not only about church matters, but also about economic conditions, customs and life of believers, often also about the moral life of the community or individuals. The minutes were written in Latin, the then language of science, diplomacy, the language of the church and religious writings, and have so far been little used in historiography. Some contracts with pastors and teachers, which are appended to these ecclesiastical visitations, were written in biblical Czech or German. The document records the current language status of the Slovak intelligentsia in Vojvodina in the first half of the 19th century. The intention of the translation and analysis of these minutes was to make their content available not only to the scientific, but also to the wider public, and in that way expanding and reviving the cultural memory of (not only) Vojvodina Slovaks.
0. Úvod
1. Jazyk písomností v slovenských evanjelických zboroch v prvej polovici 19. storočia
2. Zápisnica z kanonickej vizitácie slovenských vojvodinských evanjelických cirkevných zborov v rokoch 1835 a 1836
3. Záver