최근 검색어 전체 삭제
슬라브어연구 제29권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

On a Didactic Interpretation of Word Order in Czech as a Foreign Language

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2024.29.2.167
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This article deals with the didactic interpretation of rules of Czech word order. The paper builds on earlier research into the mistakes made by non-native speakers of Czech - including word order - and presents a new study on how word order is presented in Czech textbooks. It shows that textbooks rarely provide comprehensive guidance on how to construct a neutral Czech sentence and that they tend to focus on isolated aspects of several rules of Czech word order. The paper presents a proposal for a didactic interpretation of Czech word order based on following points: 1) Czech is one of the languages that prefer the S-V-O word order in neutral sentences, i.e. subject-verb-object; 2) word order in a Czech sentence is controlled by the so-called rule of functional sentence perspective, which consists of dividing a sentence into a starting point (theme) and a core (rheme) according to semantic criteria; 3) word order in a sentence is influenced by rhythmic elements, which determine the placement of unaccented words in the so-called second position. The above-mentioned points have been incorporated into an algorithm that can be used in teaching Czech to foreigners. The aim of the proposed algorithm is to facilitate students' acquisition of Czech word order rules and to eliminate mistakes in their active language production.

1. Introduction

2. Defects in the language production of non-native speakers

3. Sentence structure in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

4. Interpretation of word order in teaching materials

5. Linguistic sources of didactic description of Czech word order

6. Practical notes on the interpretation of word order in teaching Czech as a foreign language

7. Conclusion

