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KCI등재 학술저널

송기숙과 김남주의 저항의식 연구

A Study on the Resistance Consciousness of Song Ki-sook and Kim Nam-joo

DOI : 10.55793/jkhc.2024.22.431
  • 53

송기숙은 역사적 사건인 소작쟁의와 동학농민운동을 재현한 서사에서 역사적 사건이 된 소설가로 대지주와 독재 권력에 저항하는 작품으로 저항의식을 드러냈다. 김남주는 독재 권력을 비판한 역사적 사건의 주인공에서 갇힌자가 되어서도 혁명 전사의 지위를 잊지 않은 시인으로 저항의식을 표출했다. 송기숙과 김남주의 문학적 출발은 달랐으나 시대와 권력에 저항하는 작품으로 광주전남 문학의 한 특징을 유지했고 한국문학의 자리를 지켰다. 작가론을 중심으로 살핀 한계는 작품론을 쓰겠다는 것으로 대신한다.

Literature that deals with sacrifices and resistance that risked their lives is timeless. The history written in full body language by writers who faced contradictions of the times is the achievement of Korean literature. All human beings should be equal under heaven. Novelist Song Ki-sook and poet Kim Nam-joo are writers who paid attention to the lives of the people who fought, resisted, and struggled to live. Song Ki-sook is a novelist who became a historical event in a narrative that recreates the historical events of the tenant farming dispute and the Donghak Peasant Movement, and showed a sense of resistance through her work resisting large landlords and dictatorship. Kim Nam-joo expressed a sense of resistance from the protagonist of a historical event that criticized the authoritarian power to a poet who did not forget the status of a revolutionary warrior even when he became trapped. Although Song Ki-sook and Kim Nam-joo had different literary starts, they maintained a characteristic of Gwangju and Jeonnam literature and maintained their position as Korean literature by resisting the times and power. Limitations based on the theory of writers will be supplemented by the theory of works.

1. 머리말

2. 사건의 재현 서사와 사건으로서 송기숙

3. 사건으로서 김남주와 현장의 시

4. 맺음말
