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인간식물환경학회지(JPPE) 제27권 제5호.jpg

Multi-stakeholder Governance Toward Mitigating Marine Plastic Waste in Hoi An Coastal City, Vietnam

DOI : 10.11628/ksppe.2024.27.5.357
  • 22

Background and objective: Marine plastic waste is a pressing environmental issue that requires coordinated efforts acrossvarious stakeholders to mitigate its impacts effectively. This research examines the multi-stakeholder governanceapproach towards reducing marine plastic waste in Hoi An coastal city, Vietnam. The study explores the roles andinteractions of key stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, businessmen, scientists, andinternational agencies, in addressing marine plastic pollution. Methods: Through a combination of interviews, policy analysis, and field observations, this research identifies thechallenges and opportunities in implementing sustainable waste management practices. A mixed-methods approachstudy was conducted and collected data from August 2022 to February 2023, June 2023 to September 2023 andJuly-August 2024. Two hundred and three random online survey samples were collected. Additionally, forty in-depthinterviews were conducted with government officers, businesspeople, researchers, and international agencyrepresentatives and each interview lasted for about one hour. The research used both purposive and snowball sampling tomaximise the breadth of actors’ perspectives. Results: The research found that effective mechanisms and collaborative governance among diverse stakeholders such asgovernment officials, businesses, communities, international organizations, and scientists are crucial for significantlyreducing marine plastic waste. It also underscores the importance of community engagement in preventing plastic wastefrom entering the ocean and highlights the role of market-driven forces in plastic waste mitigation. Furthermore, thefindings emphasize the need to expand scientific and international support to achieve the ultimate goal of reducing marineplastic waste. Conclusion: This study offers insights into best practices and policy recommendations that can be applied to other coastalregions facing similar environmental challenges. By fostering a collective responsibility approach, Hoi An can serve as amodel for other coastal cities in Vietnam and beyond in their efforts to combat marine plastic pollution.


Research Method

Results and Discussions


