Peripheral ossifying fibroma arising from the maxillary bucco-palatal gingiva in an elderly male patient: a rare case report
- 대한구강악안면외과학회
- 대한구강악안면외과학회지
- 제50권 제5호
- 2024.10
- 292 - 296 (5 pages)
Peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a benign tumor characterized by dystrophic calcification or ossification within the gingiva, primarily affecting the anterior maxilla of females and young adults. Its pathogenesis is unclear but linked to local irritants such as trauma, biofilm, dental calculus, and poorly fitting prostheses. In this study, a 63-year-old male presented at Dankook University Dental Hospital with a large nodular lesion on the left maxillary bucco-palatal gingiva. Preoperative imaging, including panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography, was performed. Surgical excision and histological examination confirmed POF with specific morphological characteristics, including mineralized tissue with varied deposition patterns, mature and immature bone, cementum-like tissue, and dystrophic calcification. In conclusion, POF is a rare oral tumor, more common in younger females, typically presenting asymptomatically on the anterior maxilla. Histopathological analysis is crucial for diagnosis. Standard treatment involves conservative local resection, but recurrence rates range from 8% to 20%, necessitating continuous follow-up. This report aims to enhance understanding of POF by presenting a rare case of a large POF in the maxillary posterior bucco-palatal gingiva of an elderly male.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Cases Report
Ⅲ. Discussion
Authors’ Contributions
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