This paper analyzes the Palestinian people’s efforts to build a nation-state from the British Mandate period in the early 20th century to the present. To this end, this paper analyzes the activities of The Palestine Arab Congress(1919-1928), the establishment and dissolution of the Arab Higher Committee and the All-Palestine Government(1936-1959), and the PLO’s efforts to establish a Palestinian state and its failures (1964-1996). During the British Mandate period, Palestinian political elites organized anti-Zionist political parties and The Arab Higher Committee to establish an All-Palestine Government, but failed due to the suppression of the British government and Zionists. After the 1967 war in which Israel occupied all of Palestine, the PLO adopted ‘Palestinian National Charter, 1968’ and emphasized the liberation of Palestine through a strong armed struggle. However, the Oslo Accords completely nullified ‘Palestinian National Charter, 1968’, The Oslo Accords, led by the US and Israel and accepted by the PLO, are the document of complete surrender by Arafat to Zionism. The construction of a Palestinian nation-state seems to have almost failed. It is time to look for the alternatives.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 팔레스타인아랍회의(1919~1928)
Ⅲ. 아랍고등위원회와 전체-팔레스타인정부(1936~1959)
Ⅳ. PLO의 팔레스타인국가 설립 노력과 좌절(1964~1996)
Ⅴ. 결론