This study aims to investigate the potential for the development of a modern Turkic identity from the perspective of long-term cooperation and solidarity within the contemporary Turkic world. The focus is on the perceptions of Turkish and Uzbek youth, exploring how their views on modern Turkic identity may shape its evolution. The perceptions of Turkish and Uzbek youth regarding modern Turkic identity were measured and analyzed. The findings were then used to facilitate a comprehensive discussion on how these perceptions may influence the development of this identity over time. Overall, both Turkish and Uzbek youth exhibited positive perceptions of the shared elements of Turkic identity, with their response patterns displaying a high degree of similarity. However, notable differences emerged concerning religious perceptions. Specifically, while the majority of Uzbek youth expressed a positive attitude towards associating Islam with Turkic identity, responses from Turkish youth varied significantly. Given the substantial proportion of Turkish and Uzbek youth who hold favorable views of modern Turkic identity, the study concludes that the outlook for its evolution is promising. Moreover, as cooperation and solidarity among Turkic states continue to deepen, this evolving modern Turkic identity is expected to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the Turkic world.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 대상 및 방법
Ⅲ. 현대 투르크 정체성에 대한 터키인 청년 세대의 인식
Ⅳ. 현대 투르크 정체성에 대한 우즈베크인 청년 세대의 인식
Ⅴ. 터키인과 우즈베크인 청년 세대의 인식 비교
Ⅵ. 결론