After the arab conquest of Andalus, the early arab rulers focused on stabilizing Andalus and spreading Islam, but did not pay much attention to the spread of arab culture in Andalus. As political stability reached the reign of Abd al-Rahman II, Andalusian arabs began to show great interest in arab culture, especially sparked by Ziryab, who moved from Baghdad to Andalus and introduced traditional arab culture. As a result, much arab culture came to Andalus, officially and unofficially, and spread and developed at a rapid pace. The person who played a leading role in the introduction, settlement, and development of arab culture in Andalus was Ibn Abd Rabbihi. He introduced the poems of arab poets to help the traditional arab poetry of Qaṣīdah become established in Andalus, and in addition, he created Qaṣīdah that included Andalusian characteristics. In addition, Rabbihi compiled 『Al-‘Iqd Al-Farīd』, compiling the previous arab culture of the arab world and the Andalus region. With this cultural role, he can be called a pioneer who established arab culture in the early Andalus period. This paper first introduced Rabbihi's anthology 『Al-‘Iqd Al-Farīd』. Because it is difficult to cover all the contents of this anthology, which consists of 25 books, the contents of each volume are briefly mentioned in this paper. I judged it worthwhile just to introduce the first Andalus anthology, and we expect that subsequent generations will study its contents in detail. I also studied the poetry of Abd Rabbihi, who was the poet laureate. His literary achievements include not only introducing the traditional arab poetry Qaṣīdah, but also creating traditional arabic poetry himself and settling it in Andalus. He wrote poems on a variety of topics, but among them, the poems praising the emirs and the caliph as poet laureate and the ghazal poems that sang his own feelings are the most important topics. In this paper, we introduced Rabbihi's praise poetry and ghazal poetry, and in particular analyzed Al-Qaṣīdah Al-Lāmiyah, which is called the highlight of ghazal poetry, to find out about his poetic world.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이븐 압드 랍비히의 문학 활동
Ⅲ. 이븐 압드 랍비히의 가잘과 ‘알까씨다 알라미야’ 분석
Ⅶ. 결론