This study analyzed pronunciation errors in the reading of standard Arabic texts by 40 Korean beginner and intermediate Arabic learners in terms of consonants, vowels, and linking sounds. As a result of analyzing a total of 80 reading recording files, 553 pronunciation errors were identified, of which vowel errors were the most common at 260, followed by 173 linking sounds errors and 120 consonant errors. The most common consonant pronunciation error was the distinction between ل and ر, followed by the distinctions between ش – س – ث – ص, between ك – ق – خ, between ج – ز, and geminated consonants errors. In terms of vowel errors, among the 260 vowel errors, 121 were long vowel shortenings, 55 were longening of short vowels, 56 were long vowel changes, and 28 were the /ㅗ/ vowel addition. Next, out of a total of 173 linking sounds errors, there were 79 cases of omission of the definite article اَلْ linking, 68 cases of addition of the definite article اَلْ linking, and 26 cases of assimilation errors of ل in the definite article اَلْ. These findings highlight that pronunciation errors in Korean learners are influenced by specific Arabic consonants, long vowels and definite articles, which do not exist in the Korean language. This shows a correlation between these errors and Korean native language interference.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구 내용
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
Ⅴ. 결론