Objective: This study aims to validate the Korean version of Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale-Screen (K-GSIS-Screen) and evaluate its clinical utility for screening suicidal ideation and risk among older adults across clinical and community settings. Methods: GSIS-Screen was translated into Korean and administered to 50 community-residing older adults and 49 elderly patients attending a depression clinic in the psychiatric department of a hospital. Reliability and validity were assessed by Cron bach’s α and exploratory factor analysis. Then, clinical utility was further examined through receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results: Exploratory factor analysis confirmed a single-factor structure. Overall findings demonstrated moderate to strong in ternal consistency, convergent validity, and discriminant validity across community and clinical settings. Additionally, K-GSIS Screen differentiated between older adults with and without suicidal ideation, with those in the former group scoring higher. ROC analysis confirmed an area under curve of 0.81. Conclusion: The K-GSIS-Screen appears to be a useful primary screening tool for detecting suicidal ideation among older adults. It has the potential to facilitate rapid identification of suicidal ideation in clinical and community settings, thereby sup porting early and appropriate interventions.