With the rapid development of information technology, the healthcare sector is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation. Digital platforms have become integral to healthcare services. In this digital wave, medical software serves as a vital tool for connecting doctors, patients, and medical resources. AI technology, a significant breakthrough in information technology, has shown considerable potential and applications across various fields. The application of AI technology can not only help doctors improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis and treatment but also provide patients with more personalized health management services. Although a broad consensus exists on the value of AI technology for medical software, empirical research is limited on how medical software can enhance the innovative performance of digital platforms using AI technology. To address this research gap, this study aims to explore the impact of medical software characteristics (immediacy, accuracy, ease of use, and utility) on the innovation performance of digital platforms. Additionally, this study examines the moderating role of potential privacy risks in shaping the relationship between medical software characteristics and digital platform innovation performance through the lens of users' privacy calculations. Using methods such as literature review and empirical analysis, this study empirically tests eight hypotheses through a structural equation modeling approach with survey data collected from 320 platform companies in China. This study provides valuable theoretical insights for medical software research and performance enhancement of digital platforms but also offers practical guidelines for companies to design effective privacy strategies. Furthermore, it provides essential suggestions for managers to take necessary actions to improve digital platform innovation performance.
정보기술의급속한발전으로의료분야는전례없는디지털전환을겪고있습니다. 디지털플랫 폼은의료서비스제공에있어중요한부분이되었습니다. 이러한디지털화의물결속에서의사와 환자, 의료 자원을연결하는중요한도구인의료소프트웨어와정보기술분야의중요한돌파구인 AI 기술은 다양한분야에서큰잠재력과응용가능성을보여주었습니다. AI 기술을적용하면의사 는 진단과 치료의 정확성과 효율성을 개선할 수 있을뿐만 아니라환자에게보다개인화된건강 관리서비스를제공할수있습니다. 의료소프트웨어에AI 기술의가치에대한광범위한공감대가 형성되어 있지만, 의료 소프트웨어가 AI 기술을 사용하여 디지털플랫폼의 혁신적인 성능을 향상 하는방법에대한실증적연구는아직거의이루어지지않고있습니다. 이연구는기존의연구공 백을 메우기위해의료소프트웨어의특성(즉각성, 정확성, 사용 편의성, 유용성)이 디지털 플랫폼 의혁신적성능에미치는영향을탐구하는것을목표로합니다. 동시에이연구는사용자의개인정 보 보호계산렌즈를통해의료소프트웨어특성과디지털 플랫폼의혁신적인성능간의관계를 형성하는데있어잠재적인개인정보보호위험의중재역할을조사합니다. 본연구는문헌연구와 실증 분석등의연구방법을사용하여중국내320개플랫폼기업으로부터수집한설문데이터를 바탕으로 구조방정식 모델링 방법을 통해본연구의8가지가설을실증적으로 검증합니다. 이연 구는의료소프트웨어연구와디지털플랫폼성능개선에유용한이론적통찰력을제공할뿐만아 니라, 사용자가 개인정보보호전략을설계하는데도움이되는중요한실용적지침을제공합니다. 또한조직이개인정보보호전략을설계하는데도움이되는중요한실무지침과관리자가디지털 플랫폼의혁신적인성능을개선하는데필요한조치를취할수있는유용한권장사항도제공합니다.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background and Hypothesis Development
III. Methodology
IV. Empirical Analyses and Results
V. Discussion and Conclusion