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한국건강간호융합학회지 제1권 제3호.JPG

간호대학생의 주관적 행복감에 대한 국내 동향 분석

A Literature Review of Research on the Subjective Happiness of Korean Nursing Students

DOI : 10.69663/jkshnc.2024.1.3.13
  • 28

Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of nursing students’ subjective happiness by reviewing literature published in Korea. Method : A total of 41 articles were selected through a combination of the keywords ‘nursing students’ and ‘subjective happiness’ from domestic databases (RISS, KISS, DBpia, ScienceOn, KoreaMed, KMBASE). Results : Research publication years from ‘2016 to 2020’ accounted for 51.2% of the studies. ‘Non-nursing’ journals constituted 80.5% of the publications. The studies involved participants from grades ‘1 to 4’ in 48.8% of cases. In terms of the number of participants, ‘101 to 200’ individuals were involved in 48.8% of the studies, and ‘one school’ was the source in 46.3%. A significant portion, 80.5%, of the research was not approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Most studies employed statistical measures such as ‘regression analysis’ (68.3%), and the number of authors was ‘two’ in 41.5% of the cases. The most commonly used instrument was the ‘Subjective Happiness Scale’ (73.2%), and the key variable most frequently associated with subjective happiness was ‘self-esteem’ (12.4%). Conclusion : Continued research based on the findings of this study could contribute to improving nursing students' subjective happiness. Enhanced subjective happiness can help nursing students better adapt to college life and, as future nurses, increase their interest in the happiness of their patients, thereby providing higher-quality nursing care.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 논 의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

