![한국응용과학기술학회지 제41권 제5호.jpg](http:///contents.kyobobook.co.kr/sra/upload/book_img/106/1066153.jpg)
Mediating Effect of Career Adaptability between Growth Mindset and Career Preparation Behavior in Nursing Students
- 한국응용과학기술학회 (구.한국유화학회)
- 한국응용과학기술학회지
- 제41권 제5호
- : KCI등재
- 2024.10
- 1143 - 1152 (10 pages)
This study is a descriptive research study to confirmed the mediating effect of career adaptability in the relationship between growth mindset and career preparation behavior in order to improve the career preparation behavior of nursing students. The subjects of the study were second, third, and fourth year students attending nursing departments at two universities located in cities G and M.. The data were collected from May to June 2024. Analysis of the collected data was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Baron-Kenny regression analysis. As a result of the study, first, growth mindset showed a positive effect(β=.397, p<.001) on career adaptability. Second, growth mindset showed a positive effect(β=.337, p<.001) on career preparation behavior. Third, growth mindset (β=138, p<.001) and career adaptability (β=.502, p<.001) each had a statistically significant impact on career preparation behavior. As a result, it was confirmed that career adaptability has a partial mediating effect between growth mindset and career preparation behavior. Therefore, it can be seen that the higher the growth mindset, the more career adaptability is promoted, which in turn promotes career preparation behavior. Based on these research results, in order to improve the career preparation behavior of nursing students, growth mindset and career adaptability should be promoted in the field of nursing education
1. Introduction
2. Research methods
3. Results and discussion
4. Conclusion