최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Education and Teaching 제2권 제10호.jpg


The Challenges and Solutions for Youth Ideological and Political Education in the Digital Age

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2024.2.10.12
  • 2

The digitalization technology and digital terminal devices have undergone several iterations and developments, which have brought the digital age to us at a speed that people never expected. Under the new era background, youth ideological and political education relies on policy guidance, demand-driven development, technological empowerment, and environmental changes to usher in new development opportunities. The digital age also endows youth ideological and political education with new significant meaning in terms of consolidating ideological and political barriers, enhancing national identity, and improving digital literacy. However, at present, there are still problems in youth ideological and political education under the digital background, which are concentrated in the four aspects of education subject ability, education content, education resources, and education method and are not fully matched with the development of the digital society. This requires enhancing the digital capabilities and literacy of the education subject and accelerating the digital transformation of educational and teaching resources to accurately respond to the needs of the digital era for youth ideological and political education and promote digital innovation in youth ideological and political education methods.


Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 数字化青年思想政治教育发展的时代机遇

Ⅲ. 数字化时代青年思想政治教育的重要意义

Ⅳ. 数字化时代青年思想政治教育面临的困境

Ⅴ. 数字化时代青年思想政治教育困境的破解对策
