가야산국립공원 곤충 다양성과 조사방법 간 군집 비교: 34기 자연자원조사를 중심으로
Diversity of Insects in Gayasan National Park and Comparison of the Communities Based on Different Survey Methods: A Focus on the 3rd and 4th Natural Resource Surveys
가야산국립공원 곤충류의 3기(2016), 4기(2022) 자연자원조사 결과를 재정리하여 총 20목 254과 2,156종으로 나타났다. 나비목은 36과 778종으로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 딱정벌레목 68과 584종, 노린재목 25과 302종, 벌목 25과 208종, 파리목 29과 125종 순으로 나타났다. 법정보호종은 멸종위기야생생물Ⅱ급 2종, 한반도고유종 55종, 기후변화생물지표종 2종이 확인되었으며, 국가적색목록은 취약등급(vulnerable, VU) 5종, 준위협등급(near threatened) 1종이 확인되었다. 조사방법별 군집 분석결과에서 유인등트랩, 함정트랩, 깔때기트랩이 다른 조사방법과 뚜렷하게 구별되는 것으로 나타났다.
The 3rd (2016) and 4th (2022) natural resource surveys of insects in Gayasan National Park identified 20 orders, 254 families, and 2,156 species in total. Lepidoptera (36 families, 778 species) was the dominant group, followed by Coleoptera (68 families, 584 species), Hemiptera (25 families, 302 species), Hymenoptera (25 families, 208 species), and Diptera (29 families, 125 species). Additionally, two endangered species (Grade II), 55 endemic species, and two climate-sensitive biological indicator species were identified. Five species were classified as vulnerable (VU) and one species was identified as near-threatened (NT) on the National Red List. The comparison of insect communities based on different survey methods showed that light, pitfall, and funnel traps were distinguished from other survey methods.
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