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한일경상논집 제105권.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

인슈어테크의 도입으로 인한 일본보험산업의변화에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Change in the Japanese Insurance Industry due to the Introduction of InsureTech

DOI : 10.46396/Kjem..105.4
  • 14

Purpose: Although research on InsurTech is being actively conducted, research data related to the Japanese insurance industry are insufficient and it is difficult to grasp the progress being made. In addition, based on the success of fintech around the world, InsurTech’s success in the Japanese insurance industry was predicted to be easy, but 10 years later, there is still not much progress. Therefore, in this paper, the goal is to understand the current status of InsurTech in the Japanese insurance industry, analyze the limitations of Japan’s InsurTech’s growth, and then conduct a major study on the direction InsurTech should take in the Japanese insurance industry. Research design, data, and methodology: Based on the existing qualitative research data on Insuretech, the global market, the Asian market, the Japanese market, the insurance market, the fintech market, the financial market, the Insuretech market, the startup market, and the venture capital market data were used as research methods. Although qualitative research is the basis, quantitative research data were used as evenly as possible, and statistical data and quantitative data were used to actively increase persuasion in reporting the current situation. Results: Due to InsureTech, the Japanese insurance industry has changed such as changes in the insurance business model, the birth of new business models, and the provision of detailed insurance products. However, InsureTech’s role in the Japanese insurance industry is simply serving as a gradual improvement due to the introduction of technology, not as a major innovation like the United States. In this regard, it was found that there are problems such as social awareness, legal regulation, and lack of IT manpower. Implications: An analysis of the Japanese insurance market and the insurance technology market, which were not comprehensively approached in previous studies, was conducted to make it easier to understand insurance technology. In particular, the improvements and problems after the analysis of the Japanese insurance market and how the approach will have a positive impact on the Japanese insurance industry were studied in depth. However, it is difficult to understand without the existing knowledge of insurance technology, and there is a limit to understanding insurance technology in depth due to the comprehensive approach to insurance technology.

1. 서론

2. 선행연구고찰 및 연구 문제

3. 일본 보험산업과 인슈어테크

4. 인슈어테크와 일본 보험산업의 변화

5. 요약 및 결론

