최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS) Vol.2, No.4.jpg

Application of Traditional Patterns in Modern Cultural and Creative Products and Cultural Dissemination - Centered on the persimmon pedicle pattern


DOI : 10.23112/jgas24123105
  • 18

[Background] Amidst the wave of globalization and informatization, traditional cultural elements are experiencing a revival in modern design. The persimmon pedicle pattern, a traditional motif rich in cultural symbolism, has become a vital bridge linking tradition and contemporary aesthetics through innovative applications in modern design. [Objective] This study aims to explore the application of the persimmon stem pattern in modern cultural and creative products, examining its role in cultural communication and emotional connection. It seeks to reveal how its innovative expressions in visual elements and design language contribute to the promotion of traditional cultural heritage. [Method] Through literature analysis and case studies, the historical and cultural connotations of the persimmon stem pattern are outlined, along with an analysis of its application across various types of cultural products. The study focuses on its innovative expressions in visual elements and design language. [Results] Findings indicate that the application of the persimmon stem pattern in cultural products not only enhances the cultural identity and emotional appeal of these products but also demonstrates its unique educational value and potential for emotional expression. This enables traditional cultural symbols to gain renewed vitality within the modern consumer environment. [Conclusion] By integrating traditional motifs with modern design concepts and employing innovative expressions in visual elements and design language, the innovative inheritance and dissemination of traditional culture can be effectively promoted. This provides new directions and insights for contemporary cultural and creative design.

【背景】在全球化和信息化的浪潮中,传统文化元素在现代设计中焕发出新的生命力。柿蒂纹作为一种具有深厚文化象征的传统纹样,通过现代设计的创新应用,成为了连接传统与当代审美的重要桥梁。 【目的】探讨柿蒂纹在现代文创产品中的应用及其在文化传播与情感连接中的作用,揭示其在视觉元素和设计语言方面的创新表达方式对传统文化传承的促进作用。 【方法】通过文献分析与案例研究,梳理柿蒂纹的历史文化内涵,并分析其在不同类型的文创产品中的应用方式,重点考察其在视觉元素和设计语言中的创新表现。 【结果】研究发现,柿蒂纹在文创产品中的应用不仅增强了产品的文化识别性和情感吸引力,还展现了其独特的教育价值和情感表达的潜力,使传统文化符号在现代消费环境中焕发出新的活力。 【结论】通过将传统纹样与现代设计理念相结合,并结合视觉元素和设计语言的创新表达,可以有效推动传统文化的创新传承和文化传播,为当代文创设计提供了新的方向与启示。

1 引言

2 传统纹样柿蒂纹的文化象征与内涵

3 现代文创产品中的柿蒂纹应用

4 情感连接与文化传播

5 结论

