최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS) Vol.2, No.4.jpg

Research on Empowering Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Inheritance with New Quality Productive Forces - Taking “Gaizhou Shadow Puppetry” as an example


DOI : 10.23112/jgas24123112
  • 10

[Background] The proposal of the theory of new quality productive forces offers new insights and requirements for the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. [Objective] This paper explores the development of Gaizhou shadow puppetry through new quality productive forces,using technological and digital imaging methods to infuse life and vitality into intangible cultural heritage, thus promoting the sustainable development of GaiZhou shadow puppetry. [Methods] Using research methods such as literature review, case study, and field investigation, this article conducts an in-depth analysis of the current protection efforts of Gaizhou shadow puppetry. It examines the problems in the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, using Gaizhou shadow puppetry as an example, and proposes targeted and feasible solutions for issues that urgently need to be addressed. [Results] Guided by the theory of new quality productive forces, and empowered by modern technology and value connotations, this article demonstrates how near-extinct intangible cultural heritage projects can be revitalized, providing both theoretical support and practical guidance for the digital transformation of intangible cultural heritage. [Conclusion] Through the empowerment of new quality productive forces, Gaizhou shadow puppetry has been “reborn from the ashes” and now better adapts to the development trends of the new era. This is conducive to the development of cultural globalization and promotes the high-quality transmission of intangible cultural heritage within the global cultural landscape.

【背景】新质生产力理论的提出,对非物质文化遗产保护与传承提供了新的启示与要求。 【目的】本文通过新质生产力赋能盖州皮影发展,通过科技与数字图像化手段赋予非物质文化遗产生命与活力,推动盖州皮影的可持续发展。 【方法】通过文献资料法、案例分析法、田野调查法等研究方法,对当前盖州皮影的保护进行深入透视,通过以盖州皮影为例深刻剖析非遗保护传承中存在的问题,并提出了针对性、可行性强亟待解决的问题。 【结果】通过新质生产力理论指导,利用现代技术与价值内涵的双重赋能,让濒临失传的非物质文化遗产项目焕发全新的生命力,为非物质文化遗产的数字化转型提供理论支持和实践指导。 【结论】通过新质生产力赋能盖州皮影的发展,“浴火重生” 的盖州皮影更加适应新时代的发展潮流,有利于文化全球化趋势发展,推动非物质文化遗产在全球文化的视野中优质传播。

1 引言

2 盖州皮影文化价值及传承保护现状

3 制约盖州皮影保护与传承的瓶颈分析

4 新质生产力赋能盖州皮影的创新策略

5 结论

