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공학교육연구 제27권 제6호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

컴퓨팅 사고와 비판적 사고

Computational Thinking and Critical Thinking

DOI : 10.18108/jeer.2024.27.6.59
  • 4

This paper aims to compare and contrast the definitions, components, and problem-solving procedures of computational thinking and critical thinking from a complementary perspective as an educational approach to foster creativity and problem-solving skills required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Computational thinking is the ability to understand problems in real life and various academic fields and to creatively implement and apply solutions by utilizing the basic concepts and principles of computer science and computing systems. This study aims to analyze and evaluate its components and problem solving procedures through critical thinking, which is currently being taught in the liberal arts curriculum of universities to foster creative problem-solving skills, as computational thinking is emerging as an important educational tool to promote creative problem-solving skills. To this end, the elements that constitute computational thinking are compared with the elements and properties of critical thinking, and whether the two thinking methods can play a complementary role in the creative problem-solving process. As a result, the integrated approach of computational thinking and critical thinking is effective in fostering learners' ability to think more flexibly and systematically in complex and multi-layered problem situations, and it is suggested that education that combines the two ways of thinking can be an important educational means for fostering future talents.

Ⅰ. 도 입

Ⅱ. 컴퓨팅 사고의 개념과 정의, 구성 요소 및 문제 해결 절차, 그리고 교육 방법

Ⅲ. 비판적 사고의 정의와 역사, 요소와 속성, 그리고 문제 해결 절차

Ⅳ. 컴퓨팅 사고와 비판적 사고

Ⅴ. 제 언

