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공학교육연구 제27권 제6호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

인공지능, 규제와 윤리, 그리고 교양교육

AI, Regulation and Ethics, and Liberal/General Education

DOI : 10.18108/jeer.2024.27.6.67
  • 17

The recent development of AI raises such fundamental issues as the redefinition of the concept of humans and humanity and the possibility of human extinction, the restructuring of social systems, and the redefinition of humans’ relationship with the nature, as well as the regulatory and ethical issues involved. To solve these problems, human creativity is most urgently needed and it can only be achieved through convergence. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which provides the context for the development of AI, is characterized by hyperconvergence, hyperconnectedness, and superintelligence, and is itself a convergent phenomenon that is breaking down the boundaries between digital, physical, and biological worlds, requiring a fundamental redefinition of the nature of humans, society, and nature. Therefore, the creativity as such can only be achieved through a convergent transdisciplinarity based on a convergence of understanding of the fundamental principles of human and artistic, social, and natural life, freely crossing the boundaries of the digital, physical and biological worlds. This capacity is inherently best provided by liberal/general education. This is because liberal/general education is a universal, convergent, integrated, and comprehensive discipline that provides not only basic literacy through language (writing, discussion, and foreign languages) and numeracy (quantitative reasoning with data and software) as compulsory subjects, but also the fundamental knowledge and principles of human beings and their social and natural environments, and the arts that express them creatively, as optional compulsory subjects through the distribution system. Lastly, the best way to ensure that engineering students develop the convergent creativity necessary to solve the problems posed by AI is to integrate the cornerstone, keystone, and cornerstone courses that provide an multidisciplinary understanding of the fundamental principles of human, social, and natural systems in both liberal arts and engineering curricula.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. AI가 초래하는 문제들

Ⅲ. AI 규제·윤리의 바람직한 방향성

Ⅳ. 융합적 창의성과 교양교육

Ⅴ. 결 론

