The Complexity of Traditional Chinese Concepts - Illustrated by the Examples of “Qinqin” and “Earth”
- Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS)
- Vol.1 No.4
- 2024.12
- 1 - 9 (9 pages)
There is a trap under the research of Chinese concept. One concept can be expressed in multiple forms, and hence researchers might focus on one or a few forms partly, ignoring the complexity meanings inside the concept, which may result in a partial and misleading interpretation. For example, taking the concept of “Qinqin” (love the close), if a agent plays different roles, one’s acting pattern would change, which leads to a various understandings of this concept. In other cases, the Chinese concept “earth” is far more complex than the understanding which merely studying the characters “soil” (tu) and “land” (di). In some form, for example “community” (she), “earth” contains the meaning of sacredness and gratitude to the land. Therefore, when researchers study a particular concept, they should notice the diverse expressions of the same concept and be aware of its inherent complexity.
1 先秦时期“亲亲”的观念
2 观念的偏差
3 结论