Medical Staff Work Stressors and Their Impact on Their Level of Clinical Empathy
- Journal of Sinological Studies(JSS)
- Vol.1 No.4
- 2024.12
- 10 - 20 (11 pages)
In order to provide targeted ma,nagement reference suggestions for improving the doctor-patient relationship and promoting harmonious development, we investigated the current stressors level and empathy level of medical staff, and used it to analyze the impact of the stressors level of medical staff on their empathy level. We analyzed the impact of medical staff's stressors on their empathy level, and improved their clinical empathy level through targeted reduction of medical staff's work stress. We used the Clinician Occupational Stress Scale and the Jefferson Empathy Scale, Health Professions Version to administer the questionnaire to 459 medical professionals. (1) The medical staff's work stressor score was 102.97 with a standard deviation of 22.43 and their empathy level score was 79.65 with a standard deviation of 25.86. The results of correlation analysis showed a negative correlation between medical staff stressors and their empathy level. (2)Regression analysis showed that medical staff's work stressors had a significant negative effect on their level of empathy with a regression coefficient of -0.318.The work stress score explained 7.4% of their level of empathy. (3)Among the dimensions of the Job Stressor Scale, the external environment dimension score was 2.85 with a standard deviation of 0.93, and the occupational interest dimension score was 2.42 with a standard deviation of 0.78. The results of the stepwise regression analysis showed that the medical staff's external environment stress and occupational stress had a significant negative effect on their empathy level scores (B1=-0.176, B2=-0.330, p<0.01). The higher the work stressors score, the lower the empathy level of medical staff. Appropriately reducing medical staff's external environmental stressors and occupational interest stressors can enhance their clinical empathy level.
调查医务人员工作压力源及其共情水平现状,分析医务人员工作压力源对其共情水平的影响,为提高医务人员临床共情水平,改善医患关系促进和谐发展提供针对性管理参考建议。使用临床医生工作压力源量表(scale for occupationalstressors on clinician)以及杰弗逊共情量表医护人员中文版(JSE HP-Version)对459名医务人员进行问卷调查。(1)医务人员工作压力源(102.97±22.43)和共情水平(79.65±25.86)间呈显著负相关(r=-0.276;p<0.01 )。(2)工作压力源对共情水平有显著的负向影响(B=-0.318),工作压力源解释了共情水平的7.4%(调整后R2=0.074)。(3)工作压力源量表各维度中,外部环境压力(2.85±0.93)和职业兴趣压力(2.42±0.78)对共情总分的影响显著(B1=-0.176,B2=-0.330,p<0.01)。医务人员的工作压力源得分越高,共情水平越低,适当减轻医务人员外部环境压力和职业兴趣压力可提升其临床共情水平。
1 前言
2 对象与方法
3 研究结果
4 讨论
5 总结